Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Standing in the sun with a popsicle, everything is possible...

Howdy folks.

I have been through a lot in the last couple of months. When people get a taste of a good thing, and that good thing seems to be taken away from them, they get angry. I have been attacked in several important blogs, and have received several angry emails, even death threats. But the keying of my car can stop. The Yo Mamma jokes can come to an end. Because the wait is over. I'm back. The blog is back. And I want to assure everyone that my lack of writing hasn't been due to laziness. In fact, I have been hard at work researching everything from alligators to oligopolies, from springer spaniels to springtime, from Plato to Play-Doh. I have made countless lists of pros and cons, checked them twice, and have come to some pretty important, and at times perhaps surprising, conclusions. To get the discussion started again, here are but a few:

Moist towelettes - These are underrated. Part of the reason may have to do with their association in my mind with buffalo wings (which are appropriately rated quite highly), but these fresh scented wipes are compact, convenient, and in some cases even disinfect, making them useful in so many situations. I don't know about you, but I keep them in my kitchen, my glove compartment and my wallet. Ok, no I don't. But I should. And I think you should too.

Pandas - Thumbs down to pandas. I know they are endangered. I know they are from China, and Chinese things are trendy. But they don't really do much. They just sit there. If you're lucky they'll eat bamboo.

North Carolina beaches - Underrated. While beaches in general are decidedly overrated, most people don't give North Carolina the proper credit it deserves. Nice sand, water that's the right temperature throughout much of the summer. The Outer Banks are especially underrated. The Wright Brothers liked the place for its regular breeze and soft landing surface. I like it because I can put an OBX sticker on my car and be cool.

Lingerie - Whenever the point of something is so that you can get rid of that something, it seems to me that that something probably shouldn't exist in the first place. Overrated.

Hot tubs - This was a tough one for me. I do wish I had a hot tub. They definitely have their time and place, but that time and place are different than what I once thought they were. I've logged some serious hot tub time in my day, but when the experience that sticks out involves arguing with a Polish world chess champion about whether or not monkeys could beat me at chess, you know it isn't all it's cracked up to be. Thumbs down to the hot tubs.

Popsicles - Underrated. There is something so nostalgic about popsicles. I'm not sure what it is. Well, maybe I'm thinking of the famous photo of my brother, when he was about 4, standing in the yard eating a popsicle. He seemed to be having a great time. Of course, he was also naked and playing with a garden hose. But I think it was the popsicle that made him so happy.
Incidentally, I think there is an untapped market for healthier popsicles. Why can't we freeze non-fruit juice related items and put them on sticks. Nothing would say "summer has arrived" like frozen vegetable puree. Or what about alcoholic popsicles?

Tattoos - I have little experience with these (other than the temporary kind). But after a discussion with a couple of experienced folks in a cafe just a few minutes ago, I've been pursuaded that these are overrated. First, there is the whole permanence thing. Also, one never satisfies you. They always leave you wanting more. Plus, eventually you run out of canvas.

Alright, that's enough for now. I have plenty more to educate you all about, but that can wait (but not very long). Let me know what y'all think.


andrew said...

Welcome back!

No One said...

Hooray! I was worried that the sinister forces of Some-Product-That-Had-Been-Deemed-"Overrated" had struck you down in the shadow of the night.


Moist Towelettes: Agree. Useful as could be.

Pandas: Agree, with the caveat that animated pandas are probably underrated.

North Carolina beaches: No experience with them yet, but given your description, I feel sure you got this one right.

Lingerie: The clothing equivalent to gift-wrapping paper. Women tend to think its more important than it is in both cases.

Hot tubs: I used to own one, and owning them is very overrated. Having one available, though, isn't bad...

Popsicles: Oh hell yeah. Otter pops are better tho.

And, just for the fun of it, a link to may favorite article on the neither over- nor under-rated:

fearlessvk said...

So, can we start a betting pool on how long it will take before another entry? A month? Six months? 14 years? I'm just sayin'....

But I'm glad to have you back, nonetheless. I confess to being rather indifferent to moist towelettes, NC beaches, and even pandas (I suppose that makes pandas overrated after all) but I have some thoughts here:

Lingerie is actually a tricky one. It depends on the precise definition of lingerie. Is lingerie, by definition, SEXY? As opposed to a more banal word like underwear? Because underwear certainly does serve several essential functions (especially for more amply endowed women), and I wouldn't want to inhabit an underwear-less world. But I am not quite sure if all womens' underwear is lingerie, in which case lingerie is not overrated, or if lingerie is necessarily lacy and frilly and intended to excite one's partner. If the latter, then I agree that lingerie is overrated, because I can't be bothered to spend so much money on something that I am hoping to have removed. And I can't imagine there is anyone in the universe who would go through the early stages of romantic advancement only to halt abruptly at the discovery of unfrilly, unsexy underwear and decide against further pursuit of The Act. So this one hinges entirely on precise definitions.

As you might imagine, I disagree with you about tattoos. A beautiful tattoo is a work of art (and, I might add, quite sexy). Of course, there are many appallingly terrible tattoos, but everybody recognizes them as appallingly terrible, so they're not overrated. Generally, with some exceptions, a single, small tattoo is something I can take or leave, but a full or half-sleeve tattoo done with great artistry is surely not overrated.

It is true that getting tats becomes addictive (I do not speak from personal experience, but from my friends) and you keep wanting more and more. But the same is surely true of many desirable things. Perhaps that is the nature of desire itself: it's overrated, because once you actually HAVE the object of your desire, your desire is either extinguished or amplified, and you're never just satisfied.

A Field Guide to Urban Memphis said...

I too think that popsicles are underrated and was happy to see that Parade magazine is encouraging alcoholic frozen treats on a stick for curing summertime heat.

As for North Carolina beaches, love 'em. I have found more sand dollars there than anywhere else in my extensive beachgoing life.

Pandas. I prefer polar bears. And now they're endangered...

Moist towelettes: Very glad that the wet-nap cousins of the moist towelettes are now available to wipe down the handle of grocery carts, which are as notorious as gas pumps for being replete with germs.

Lingerie: Like it, tastefully. And some of it's actually comfortable.

Hot tubs: Life is uncivilized without them. I spent several years in California with a hot tub and thoroughly enjoyed having a glass of wine and some good conversation under the moonlight every evning. Ah, nostalgia.